Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Orienting ourselves in the world

© Chuck Hoffman / Genesis + Art Studio


The visible is how we orient ourselves in the world. It remains our principle source of information about the world. Art reminds us of what is absent. What we don’t see anymore. Art is not only a mnemonic device used to remember events in our time here. Art addresses a larger memory. A memory less topical, art reminds us not only of what we don’t know but what we recognize as familiar.

Chicago inspiration

© Chuck Hoffman / Genesis + Art Studio


We took a trip to Chicago recently and was inspired by the creativity that can be found in this Midwestern city. The architecture danced together in harmony between monolithic, historical and contemporary statements. The art museums, restaurants and their cuisine, theatre, old hotels and people inspired, fed, excited and added ingredients to our creative soup for which we are grateful.