Wednesday, July 20, 2011


© Chuck Hoffman / Genesis + Art Studio

We named our studio Genesis + Art for a number of reasons one of which is the creation story found in the Tanakh. The mysterious creation story connected with our imaginations. I don’t believe that the seven days of Genesis were seven twenty four hour days or even seven isolated periods of time, no matter how long, but rather seven pulses of illumination and darkness, of creation and rest, of knowing and unknowing, of expansion and contraction, all of which continue into the present. In our own creative process, we are reminded of its new beginning in the divine creation. 

Prayer is relaxing into the mystery of being loved by God.

© Chuck Hoffman / Genesis + Art Studio

I’m not sure where I first read or heard the thought that prayer is relaxing into the mystery of being loved by God, but the essence of its meaning for me has remained. It gave me a different way to think and feel about prayer. I had always thought prayer was something you recited or petitions for needs, all of which certainly are forms of prayer. But this reflection on prayer seems to ask me just to be present. In this place I come to know that God loves me, even with a veil of uncertain mystery. Relaxing into the presence of the divine creates a space for relationship that God desires from me.