Monday, September 19, 2011

Art as an act of reconciliation

World Canvas Project  Photo © Helm Photography

What stories need telling now?

Telling our story and making art is the essence of being human and how we tell our stories shapes our lives. Join us for a time of art making, storytelling, spiritual exploration and community as we give shape to our stories through image and imagination. By pushing back the boundaries of the familiar and guided into areas of the unknown, we experience that which we did not know was in us – surprised by God. Being artistic is not a pre–requisite for this workshop, all we ask is a willingness to be open to the Holy Spirit.

Join us for our weekend workshop promoting peace and reconciliation, hosted by Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Minneapolis. The focus is on “creating pathways
to God through scripture and art.” It is open to people of all artistic abilities.

Friday evening, September 23, 7:00-8:30 pm
Presentation on Art as an act of reconciliation.
Free and open to the public, registration required.

Saturday, September 24, 9:30 am-Noon
Hands on workshop on Painting as Prayer. Free and open to the public, registration required, space limited.
To register go to: Bethlehem Lutheran Church