Thursday, December 6, 2012

A time of sabbath for those in ministry

photo © ghost ranch

Ghost Ranch has a long tradition of supporting those in ministry with rich respite and continuing education. In 2013, we will dedicate two special weeks to helping support those in all fields of ministry (ordained and lay).

Heaven of the Heart: Creating a Space for Sacred Imagination
What connects our spirituality, creativity, and living out our vocation? How might an intentional engagement with our creativity and our spirituality increase our ability to lead and live as people of faith? In this workshop you will push back the boundaries of familiar distractions and enter a Sabbath time in which to explore the intersection between creativity, spirituality and creative leadership. Using hands-on exercises, personal reflection and imagination, see how your creativity can form sacred community.

Join us at Ghost Ranch for our workshop Heaven of the Heart: Creating a Space for Sacred Imagination October 14–18, 2013. Ghost Ranch is situated on 21,000 acres located in northern New Mexico, stands proud as an ecumenical and interfaith education and retreat center of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). For more than half a century people have come for spiritual development, to discuss issues of peace and justice, to work together in creation care, to paint and write, to hike and ride horseback, to research rich and globally renowned archeological and fossil quarries, to see where Georgia O’Keeffe painted or simply to rest and renew their spirits. For more about our workshop or to register click on Heaven of the Heart. Hope to see you.

Summer 2013 at Ghost Ranch

photo © ghost ranch

Join us at Ghost Ranch for our workshop Beyond Words: The Color of Prayer July 1–7, 2013. Ghost Ranch is situated on 21,000 acres located in northern New Mexico, stands proud as an ecumenical and interfaith education and retreat center of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). For more than half a century people have come for spiritual development, to discuss issues of peace and justice, to work together in creation care, to paint and write, to hike and ride horseback, to research rich and globally renowned archeological and fossil quarries, to see where Georgia O’Keeffe painted or simply to rest and renew their spirits. For more about our workshop or to register click on Beyond Words: The Color of Prayer. Hope to see you.

Beyond Words: The Color of Prayer. Too often we rely only on words, which have limits. Using art as prayer we are invited to explore the mystery and revelation of God from a place where there are no words. How might an intentional engagement with our imagination and our spirituality lead us to see the divine in (and connect with) one another? By gathering a group of all ages and engaging its collective wisdom, we will seek to inspire one another in prayer and art to make a visible sign of invisible grace.