The poor may feel invisible to the rest of the world, so with personal stories and community art making the people of Minnesota are making visible the invisible face of poverty.
With squares of paper and markers Minnesotans with words and symbols are expressing THEIR OWN STORY OF ENOUGH and on the other side of the square THEIR COMMITMENT AND WHAT THEY WILL DO TO ENSURE ENOUGH FOR ALL. The questions come from the bigger question of WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO HAVE ENOUGH? The stories that reflect the face of the poor are stitched together into streamers, connecting folks from around the state to make a unified statement. These streamers are seen in this image
Enough of the Basics in Life, Enough Creation and Environment, Enough Economy, Enough Equality and Community, Enough Time and Enough for All. on the railing
in the rotunda of the State Capital as lawmakers gathered for discussion. A Minnesota Without Poverty invites you into a conversation about the meaning and teh reality of that question. To facilitate this conversation there is a six–week interfaith discussion guide, focusing on six crtitical aspects surrounding the theme of Enough, and how our various faith traditions engage each topic: Click on the link to find out more.
As an artist I believe that Creativity through the arts offer us an opportunity for transformation, both personally and as a community.
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